Rooted in Soil.
Powered by Plants.
Backed by Science.

We innovate with nature’s intelligence to craft herbal
remedies that nourish people, plants & planet.

Our mission

Regenerating the vitality within

At Kokora, we believe in a future where personal and environmental wellness are aligned. Where regenerative farming nourishes the soil and our herbs nourish your health.
Our mission is to create the very finest herbal remedies fostering health & vitality for us all.

Ric Scalzo, Founder

What we do

Herbal Remedies that Steward the Connection Between Science and Nature

At Kokora, we innovate herbal formulations from the wisdom found in both ancient and contemporary health systems. Our herbal remedies are crafted and produced with reverence for ancient formulaic wisdom together with the most advanced scientific technology. We bring this healing art and science together creating the outcomes that are truly beneficial.

What Sets Kokora Apart

Herbal Remedies from Seed to Soul

Regenerative farming

– going beyond organic

Our entire Regenerative Organic Certified line of products contain herbs grown exclusively on our own farm in Costa Rica. Every herb grows in soils where regenerative organic standards are practiced daily — enhancing the soil food web / microbiome, feeding the soil with organic solutions and nutrients, and maintaining a healthy cover crop and companion planting program. Ongoing studies are demonstrating how these practices yield much higher nutrient and phyto-chemical density.

Full-spectrum potencyTM

– respecting nature’s wisdom

Our 5 point Full-Spectrum PotencyTM difference - grown regenerative organic, extracted with Full-Spectrum technology, Freeze Dry concentration, delivered in organic vegetarian capsules, and tested / validated using in-vitro bio-assay cellular studies.

Scientific validation

– confidence & assurance you deserve

A team of scientists carry out independent studies using in-vitro bio-assay cell line testing on every product we develop to provide greater assurance that Kokora stands apart in innovation and formulation.

kokora brand pillars

kokora brand pillars


Kokora recognizes that nature’s intelligence has tremendous organizing power. It can reshape, rearrange, and revitalize both ecosystems and human physiology back to a state of wholeness.

kokora brand pillars


In partnership with the Ric Scalzo Institute of Botanical Research at Sonoran University of Health Sciences, Kokora is dedicated to substantiating the benefits of our unique formulations through in-vitro bio-assay cellular testing — an indicator of their potential for healthy human outcomes.

kokora brand pillars


By utilizing both ancient and modern traditions of formulation and full spectrum extraction, we harmoniously combine the art of tending the earth with the power of synergy to create herbal products that embody the best of traditional and contemporary practices.

“ Reverence and Reciprocity… Tapping the Healing Power of Nature ”

“We have a deep reverence for the microbiome of the soil in which our herbs are grown. The Soil Food Web, when nourished properly touches everything we do and offer. There is no better way to ensure that these Connections That Make Us Whole remain alive and well”.

- Ric Scalzo, Founder

The Blog

Featured Article

The Revolutionary Power of Regenerative Agriculture

Life begins in the soil Many people think of soil as dirt. A simple combination of clay, sand, and silt. Devoid of nutrients. Lifeless. But if you look at soil under the magic of a microscope, you’ll see that it’s incredibly, dynamically alive. Healthy, fertile soil is rich in organic matter, nutrients, water, and air, and it’s teeming with insects, worms, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, and arthropods. A whole orchestra of life unseen. Soil is...

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